{Thursday, July 28, 2011} 9:39 AM

This songis so very nice! My 2nd Most Favourite Song of 2ne1! :DD

The MV completes the song. It shows 2ne1 trashing society's "pretty". They are breaking the chain, breaking the gates, they are saying "we are 2ne1, we are not the norm, and we are here to stay" they are challenging society's mindset of pretty. Yes, they are singing about being ugly, but look at their actions, their actions tell otherwise. 2ne1 is really challenging society's shallow mind set, and they're determined to break the standards

★ Hmmmm.
{Monday, July 18, 2011} 8:49 PM

So on the 15th July 2011, I had the time of my life with 2ne1 and BigBang :DD Will never forget it!
See this picture? It's taken by me using my phone camera. Otherwise, it will turn out even more perfect. I love this kinda picture. I experienced this scenery first-hand and oh I wanna see it again :X It's makes me feel peaceful which I longed for so hopefully :X

★ Holla!
{Saturday, July 9, 2011} 9:51 PM

Long time since I've updated my blog but I'm lazy to type now at this point of time. So... just to let you guys know that I'm still alive! LOL!

And OHOH! I'll be going for 'Korean Music Wave 2011' which is held next Friday! Let's go crazy!

★ Picture Tells A Thousand Word VI
{Thursday, June 23, 2011} 1:19 AM

Monday at sentosa and Seoul Garden~

★ Picture Tells A Thousand Word IV
{} 1:16 AM

Party World KTV on Tuesday :DD

★ Leave The Past Behind
{} 12:55 AM

It's time to leave the past behind and move on with life. There's so many things I want to do. But it's money money and money~! I need to buy a keyboard asap to start develop my piano skills because the piano in my house is practically SHIT. ToT 500 bucks... Don't know how long will I have to save that kind of money because I eat so much that I can barely save any $$. Oh well... Target, before the next holiday (Last Week of August). So that during the holidays, I got something to do at home! Start my progression if not I'll be wasting my life away. All the best to myself. I'm going overseas the next holidays so I doubt I'll be able to find any job so BOOOOOO no money! Have to start being more thrifty... Is that the correct word? Ah, whatever lol.

Okay, I'm starting to get bored of English songs again. So I'm back to Kpop. Okay, it's like I'm jumping here and there.

Songs I'm Currently Addicted:
Next 2 You- Chris Brown ft. Justin Bieber
Hands Up-2PM (I don't know why I'm addicted to this song o.o)

★ Depressed
{Friday, June 17, 2011} 2:45 PM

Okay okay, I know nobody really reads my blog except like 1 or 2. So this is like talking to myself or something. But I'm cool~

Okay, so I decided to put some words on my blog because I'm feeling so depressed as usual always. Yupps, keeping things to yourself is no small deal. It's a whole lot of shit. But still I won't tell anybody anything because that's what I am. And yeah, it kinda change my mood and stuff but luckily I don't like change my mood in front of people. Okay, maybe sometimes because I'm thinking about blah and blah. But recently I found that I've become so angry or something like that when I'm on my computer lol. Twitter, Facebook, and maybe my blog? Nah, I don't even blog often haha. Oh well, what a life I have.

And to tell you guys, whoever you are, my mood now is not that good. Well, but when I go out with my friends I will totally enjoy myself except for some point of time when it just hits me and my mood will change but I'll still show that I'm 'smiling'.

okay, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i'm so depressed not emo lol. I hate emo now :DD sort of haha. CIAO PEACE~

★ Picture Tells A Thousand Word III
{Thursday, June 16, 2011} 5:11 PM

Barberque with T1A04 on Wednesday 15/6! Awesome~

★ Picture Tells A Thousand Word II
{} 3:20 PM

Went to sakae and kbox with Prasana, Cheryl and Theng Wei!

★ Picture Tells A Thousand Word
{} 1:34 AM

Will upload my friday outing tomorrow :DD

★ Photos!
{Sunday, June 12, 2011} 2:00 PM

Okay. This is purely a photo posAdd Videot because I'm really lazy to type :X Because I took alot of photos on Thursday and Friday haha.

Okay there's too many -.- It's on my flickr~ I'll try to show you guys but I'm gonna sleep now first~

{Friday, June 3, 2011} 1:48 PM

Everytime I see someone left out, I will try my best to make him feel included. But in the end I will always be the one left out. So I should just keep quiet and just exclude myself.

{Friday, May 27, 2011} 9:44 AM

Teehee... My blog will be dead for a while now. Common Test are coming and I'm trying my best to get full marks because there's so little content only. All the best to all those in Poly who are having their common test too!^^ GPA 4 LET'S GO LOL!

★ Boring
{Tuesday, May 17, 2011} 6:30 PM

Okay, my blog is dead again as usual.

So, I've been talking to two people in my school recently. Yeah, only two. And they are really friendly^^ Yeah, so after talking to them for a while about O Levels, my results and like why join the course that we're in now, I realised something, I don't know what the fuck am I doing.

So, since I got 9 I have plenty of choices to choose from but I chose ECE-.- And for them, they are sure about what they want but they didn't get the desired points so they got into ECE. So I'm like... okay. I don't know what I want in life.

Argh, depressed... depressed... But since I'm in this course already. There's no turning back. I'll just have to try my best in all the subjects and get the best GPA as I can.

Man I just feel so down. But life have to go on! Have to survive this three years and hopefully move on to something which I'm sure of and that it'll be a blast!

And I realised, Poly is really influential isn't it? Remember how Jen Sin used to say in Secondary School that he will NEVER say the F word in his life? And on his twitter he starting saying things like. "CB" , "NB" and "FUCK". Lol. And everybody became more vulgar like seriously. Haha! Everybody changed~ WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Not like it's a good thing but... learn to accept ^^ I don't know whether I changed anot LOL! But oh well, happy Poly life to all poly students :))

★ Lonely~
{Thursday, May 12, 2011} 12:13 PM

Okay it has been a really really long time since I've updated my blog so here I am. Lonely by 2NE1 as you can see the mv above, was just released 12 hours ago and it's already stucked in my mind. I really love the song! No auto-tune. Nice vocals. Nice strings. Overall nice haha!

Yupps, it's the third week of school and nopes, I still hate my class. Although I talk to some of time occasionally but... NAH! Can't really connect so yeah, fail. AND I'M SO LONELY~! LOL! I don't know whether I should continue bowling or not because I know Moe and Zoey will stop going soon. But their soon is actually now. So I'm actually going alone for bowling later. But I don't like that feeling. Because everybody there sort of know each other and then I'm like... -.- Should I go? Tsk... Sucks like shit. Song Composing Club was like shit too. Seriously, no friends in CCA can die. Don't feel like joining any CCA leh, but then need the points-.-

★ ...
{Friday, May 6, 2011} 9:15 AM

So, just an update about my life. Lol. Sounds so formal o.o Anyways, yesterday was a freaking tiring day. My school starts at 10 and my break is from 12-3! Even though breaks are suppose to make us feel more energetic, it made me feel even more lethargic. Because there is no one with me and I'm spending that 3 hours alone. Then went to maths class and I almost slept because of boredom -.- So, yesterday was also my scholarship interview! The funny thing is that every one was wearing formal clothes except for me LOL! I was wearing like shirt, shorts and slippers! So I waiting from 5-6 for my turn to be interview and yeah of course I was super nervous. When was I the kind who love to speak in front of people? Btw, there were three people in the room and the 'bombard' me with questions and some of them I answered quite badly I think. But oh well, it's over. Can't say that it went well nor bad. I shall just have to wait. If they contact me that means I have to go for a second round of interview which is probably the last. If they don't contact me that means my scholarship is gone.~

After that, I had bowling from 8-10. Lane with Justin, Moe, Zoey and Perl. Haha. I still didn't reach a 100 okay yeah I know I'm so lousy. Trying my best! Haha. BUT I STRIKE ONCE! LOL! Like that's any difference. So, after that, a bunch of us walked to the Dover mrt station. 4 people were heading to the east and the rest to the west. I was going to the east so yeah. Then on the other side, 2 seniors were trying to remember our names. Then when their train was arriving. They asked me what's my name. I thought they were asking moe but they pointed to me. So... I was about to say my name when *ZOOM* the train blocks. HAHA! Damn epic. Yeah, I reached home about 11.15 and slept at 12.15. Damn tired.

*First time sleeping throughout the seminary lesson without being woken up^^*

★ Presentation
{Wednesday, May 4, 2011} 8:52 AM

Okay, so I'm in class now. Waiting for the teacher to come and we'll start our presentation of our various projects and let me tell you that I may screw it up I guess? Because I don't even know what the hell are we doing. Sound Blaster Cards? Seriously? The guy in my group chose that because his father's friend is the CEO of the Creative Company and he thinks that it is gonna be easy for us to find the information about the project. In the end, he didn't even come up with anything only like a few stuff. Well, I did some slides but they didn't even use any of those. Make me waste my time doing it. I don't know if I can survive group work because it's getting kinda sucky for me. Leftovers... Blah Blah Blah. And later I'm gonna be hearing alot and I mean ALOT of China english speaking. Hopefully I can understand and it's not a torture.

{Sunday, May 1, 2011} 11:06 PM

So, one week of school is done! And for the record I got no friends yet, okay maybe 2! Lol, like that is something to be proud of wtf o.o Anyways, I do have some friends but they are my brother's friends so I don't really count them as my friends as I talk to them occasionally only not all the time. Yupps, it sucks big time! I'm like the goody goody in class and the friggin' loner always sitting alone and I'm ALWAYS sitting alone. In class, during lunch if my break is different from my brother's break, after school while waiting for CCA. Sometimes I feel really pathetic alone but oh well, gotta get use to it because I think I'm gonna be stuck with this class for 1 whole year because I'm doing a higher math. FML~

Neeway, I applied my application for a Ngee Ann scholarship a few days ago and surprisingly I just got a call today that I'm shortlisted! Wow, pretty amazing. Now the only thing left is the interview which will determine whether I will get it or not. Hmmm, hopefully I can get it because I will be able to study at NP for free until I graduate which is awesome~! And maybe increase my allowance LOL! But I must constantly do well in my studies which is kinda pressurising considering the fact that I'm pretty lazy. But just to tell you guys, I'M PRETTY HARDWORKING NOW! LOL! Everyday after school, I come home and finish up my homework for the day. So my homework doesn't pile up! How awesome is that? ^^ Wish me luck in the interview and my future endeavours lol.

And and...! Remember that I signed up for bowling? Well, I went to the tryouts and it turned out to be just playing normal bowling with a little coaching here and there. It was fun! The seniors were really fun. I mean those who were at my lane haha! It is kinda embarrassing though. Hopefully I'll improve myself! THere's training this thursday right after my interview! And I'm considering to join the Song Composing Club over the Photography Club. OMG, don't know what to do sia. I need to get gold for my CCA points! It will defintely help me next time!

★ School
{Thursday, April 28, 2011} 9:22 AM

Haha. So right now I'm in school doing nothing because I'm very early and school start at 10 today. Anyways, school sucks for me right now because I can't change class and in my class I obviously still have no friends so yeah. Projects and homeworks come rolling in like nobody's business and it's quite stress! And I just applied for scholarship in NP and I don't know whether I will get it and I don't know whether I wanna get it because I will have extra courses to build up my leadership potential which is gonna cost more of my time and I don't know whether I'm willing to commit anot. Haha. Anyways, I only wrote a few achievements from secondary school so maybe they won't call me for the interview? Okay, I'm freaking bored. -.- ciao~

{Monday, April 25, 2011} 9:29 PM

Okay, today is the first day of lessons and I'm telling you I love my classmates in this module more than my real class which I will be spending most of my time with. I mean, 4 days of orientation and I have no friends in my class but just today in my 4 hours in school I made 3 friends! Totally awesome. Damn my class-.-

Anyways, today my school was from 8-12 and I'm loving my mondays because there is people to talk to in class!^^ It was actually kinda scary because this module is kinda like public speaking and everybody is given 25 mins to prepare for a 1-3 mins speech to the whole class. Luckily I did it haha! And next monday no school! That's so sad. Looking forward to every monday now! And the week after next there is a test already... 5 mins preparation for a speech of a topic that will be randomly piked on that day. That's 5% of my whole module and gosh I can't work under pressure so hopefully I will be able to speak well!

Velcome People~
